"Life's challenges are designed not to break us but to bend us toward God." Author Unkown

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Depression Part 3


Merriam-Webster defines hurt: to inflict physical pain; wound or to cause emotional pain or anguish; to offend.

Emotional pain quite often goes unchecked and disregarded I guess because in many instances it is usually a one-sided affect.  Meaning, so many times when the emotional pain is given to venting the offender is lost to what the offended is going on about because the painful incident was only felt by the offended and the offender is oblivious of it.  Fear of rejection or ridicule causes the offended to supress the offense and it can fester and grow until it precariously erupts. The effects of the eruption sometimes cover a magnitude of innocent bystanders.  It is up to every individual to take responsibility for their own personal wellbeing and wholeness if an offense has happened make the decision to confront it sooner rather than later.  Immediate reaction is not the best response for all instances but if you want resolution, some form of confrontation must take place. 

Confrontation does not have to be an aggressive and loud interlude; it can be a peaceful and mature dialogue interaction between each other.  I remember growing up, at one stage of my life I was very reactive and then there was a time when I would just completely withdraw and try to disconnect myself from the issue completely.  Then for a greater period I was an aggressive confronter, but never on my behalf, it would always be in defence of someone else.  I was able to do for others what I could not do for myself.  (self-worth dilemma?)  Hindsight realisation, I did not value myself enough to fight for me, doing it for someone else somehow in my thinking would give me some type of self-worth.  Messed up right? But that is how a broken and hurting individual thinks and operates.  I am so thankful to God that He did not give up on me.  He pursued me with unconditional love and faithfulness, He validated what I was feeling but He also showed me that I did not have to carry all that baggage of thinking less of myself I was loved unconditionally. Jesus suffered such pain and agony for me so that I will not have to bear it all.

Forgiveness- the act of offering pardon for wrongdoing; remission of sins

Forgiveness plays an important role in the journey to wholeness and wellbeing of any individual dealing with hurt. To be honest it is easier said than done. In my family, we have just experienced one of the worst imaginable events in our lives, my dad was murdered in his home by intruders and being the person that he was, he died defending his family.  In the midst of dealing with his death and trying to make sense of it my mom who has always been the heart of our family is such a great example of grace under fire, strength and love and to top it off forgiveness just pours from her very soul towards the perpetrators of the heinous crime against our family. My father was also a great example in being a peacekeeper and forgiveness, I can remember him always saying, “just say sorry” or “ask pardon” or “leave it”.  It was not that he excused bad behaviour or wrongdoing, but he was all for mending broken fences, forgiving, and moving forward.

I believe it was about two days after my father’s death that my mom gathered the family together for prayer. In sharing her heart, she exhorted on the importance to forgive and not be drawn away into anger through our grief.   She wasn’t saying not to grieve or be angry, but the word of God admonishes, to be angry and sin not (Eph.4:26) but that we as a family our foundation is founded on Godly principles  and if we are to maintain the legacy of her husband, our dad then we must forgive.  I expected that admonition because, I know that my parents always practice what they preach.  I would be dishonest if I were to say that we are all at that place of forgiving, but it is a work in progress.  Personally, I have been angry over this senseless act of violence and I am still working through that but my earnest prayer has been “Father God, help me to not be bitter, prepare my heart so that I may forgive those who took my father away from his family”.  For me it is a daily process, I have envisioned myself extending the hand of forgiveness – who am I to withhold compassion and forgiveness from those individuals who are being held captive by the chains of sin.  God loves them and He sent Jesus to die  for those individuals the same as me and you.  To live without forgiveness, I imagine is total misery and I can honestly say it is not my place to try to exact revenge or spew hate towards them.  What happened was the worst that they could have done to our family, but the blood of Jesus provided a grace to us that is by far greater than all our sins individually and all together. 


Seventy times Seven

Years ago I thought I had experience the worst hurt ever I felt so devalued  and hurt by an offense that I let it festered into so many different emotions the most devastating was that I found myself harbouring the sin of unforgiveness.   The Holy Spirit took me to Matthew 18. How many times I was unfaithful in my walk with God, I was disobedient, I disregarded His word, even in that instant I saw how merciful He was to me while I was yet in sin-harbouring the sin of forgiveness, Jesus’ death on the cross for me was so real – reality check – who was I to withhold forgiveness or  extend grace to anyone.  In my humanity the memory lingers but the hurt has faded. I overcame the pain and hurt through Jesus Christ – Not by might, not by power but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. Neh 4:6. So when the memory of that offense is inflicted upon me, I forgive again and again and that’s how my wholeness is being knitted. “Seventy times seven” and over again.  This  is what I must do towards my father’s killers.  In my own humanity I do not think that they deserve my forgiveness, but I do not function in my humanity alone because I am a child of God and His Holy Spirit lives within me, and through him I am able to forgive this sin against my family again and again.  For the rest of my life will I be doing this, I do not know but for now this is how my healing takes place by extending grace.   Should I live my life with unforgiveness, the same fate awaits me as those who have done this crime without remorse and repentance which is eternal separation from God.  Life may seem unfair, but God is just and righteous and does all things well. 

I am by no means perfect, nor do I have this all figured out but it is a day by day, process of trusting and releasing all that I am feeling to God, I choose to accept this invitation from Jesus himself,
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

What is it that you are holding onto, what weight are you carrying today?  Your hurt and pain or grief, your disappointments, your anger and bitterness whatever it is are indeed acknowledged (you who are weary and heavy-laden, come) but Jesus came to give you so much more that what you can see and feel now. Being stuck in your misery is not living life at all, just surrender it all to Him today.

I have been trying to complete this final part in my series for months the weekend of my father’s death I made my last attempt and could not, now I understand why…Sovereign Father, You are faithful, You are great and mighty. You know my beginning and my end, the script of my life is Yours to unfold and although the events of May 3rd came as such a shock to us, You were not unaware of it at all, You were always with us in that moment even with my dad, my mom and my sister.  You held onto my dad as he made his final stand here on this earth, and I can say with confidence that he finished well, thank you Father God for that assurance. I pray all who may be dealing with their own circumstance of life be strengthened and take courage in knowing that You are with us and extends to us Your arms of compassion and comfort and the only requirement is that we lean into your embrace and draw from You all that we need to thrive and survive in this life. Help us to learn true forgiveness and that we would find peace in You.  Thank you for grace and mercy extended to us daily, thank You for loving us all unconditionally, thank You for being a good, good Father to us.  May we all embrace the light of Your son and be a true reflection of Him to those we meet every day of our lives for Your glory. Amen

This concludes the series on Depression, I hope and pray that by sharing some of my story and my process that you have been helped and encouraged.  God can use the worst of our life’s circumstances the same as He can the best of them, but we must surrender them all to Him.  By no means have I mastered all of what I have talked about I am indeed still a work in progress God is still working on me and unfolding some wonderful things in my life while I face even the worst of times.  I am not deterred by any of it because I am not alone, and you should not be either. I encourage you be diligent in seeking God and pursuing his will and purpose for you.  Wholeness is what God desires for us in mind, body, and spirit; while He is the source of all that we need, He has provided other tangible avenues for our wellbeing by way of counsellors and therapists, doctors, friends, pastors etc.  Ask Him for guidance in finding what you need to help you through your process.  According to Dr Tony Evans, ‘Encouragement that calms fear’; “when God is not a factor in your healing process, feeling sorry for yourself and you’re talking to yourself about yourself is a bad combination when you are depressed, depression gets worse when there’s nobody in your life to change your thinking”  and I agree so find someone who you can trust to talk to.  If you are looking for an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on or just a prayer, I am here for you.  Be encouraged the best is yet to come.  I hope you continue to journey with me as I continue to share my heart of what God has placed within.  Upcoming posts to look for are The Lifestyle of set-apartness (Purity), Thy Will be Done and Hannah’s Prayer.

 Love and Blessings

The Lifestye of set-apartness

In the societies of the world today, there is extraordinarily little regard for what the Word of God has to say about daily living.  It is all about self needs, self-love, do what makes you feel good, what gives you the edge as a trendy individual, and fitting into the mold of what everyone else is doing.  Keep reading there is something here for the Christian and the non-Christian.  I believe there is a word for you today.

The ideology of religion and Christianity has been confused and intertwined by the masses to confuse and hide the truth and of course this is foremost on Satan’s agenda to bring confusion into the minds of people and deter them from the truth-God. 

I will not attempt to use the fancy and sometimes confusing theological terminologies (I have nothing against that if it is your cup of tea) but there are times when a matter calls for just being plain and simple. 

Religion - the idea of a greater source or power, God beyond humankind, something which orders the greater scheme of things.  There are those that incorporate and dictate certain disciplines but lack the spiritual connection with the Sovereign God. There are also some religions that involve the worshipping and praying to various gods relative to creation, earth’s elements and in some cases a self or culture selection of a divine human being.  They also indicate that one is in control of one’s own destiny and that one is a god in and of oneself.

Christianity - the obvious difference is Christ the person, with the belief and conviction that He dwells in the hearts of men who accepts Him as their personal Saviour.  His earthly story begins when He came from heaven to earth, born as a baby to the virgin Mary.  The main purpose for coming to earth was to reconcile mankind back to God.  It does not end there but in Christianity there is a hope that we will have eternal life in heaven with God; should we remain on the path of righteousness until death or until He returns.  This brings me to the purpose of this writ the concept of living a life of purity.

I imagine that when Jesus delivered the Sermon  on the Mount/Beatitudes (Matt. 5:1-12, 13-14) it was a really bright and sunny day and having his disciples, along with the crowds that followed him, sitting on a grassy hillside Jesus paused  thinking; this is the perfect time to render a teaching on the moralities of life and Christian living. 

Purity – to be chase; to abstain from immoral sexual conduct,  modes; plain decency, innocent; void of guilt, not given to trickery in any dealings…Matthew 5: 8 states, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” simply put right? But for further clarification I love how my Thomas Nelson Woman’s Study Bible (a beautiful birthday gift from my family) puts it ‘a lifestyle of set-apartness, including thoughts and actions’.  This speaks to the lifestyle of a Christian“…, Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.” The Sermon on the Mount is for everyone, but it speaks directly to the expectation of Christian living.  Having a religious perspective would move one to memorise and recite the beatitudes and maybe try to live by most of it, but as a Christian the perspective towards character building and transformation.   Carrying the label of Christianity states that one has accepted Jesus as Saviour with the assurance of the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit in one’s life.  The Holy Spirit dwells within to give direction and strength and boldness to live this type of life out loud among family, friends, and colleagues alike. Living a life of purity is nothing that can be achieved alone with self-will and discipline but by The Spirit of God who lives within.  So, purity, what does that look like in the life of a Christian?

Purity - A lifestyle of set-apartness, including thoughts and actions -

Lifestyle indicates a day to day function that identifies the individual with a set of morals and character standing that sets you apart from a non-Christian, your convictions and ideas, your interactions with others.  Psalms 24:4:6NIV He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of those who seek Him, _ even Jacob.   David in one of his many rhetoric, of the wonder of Sovereign God and feeling his smallness and unworthiness before Him, asks and answers the question, vs 3&4 “who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? When you come to the realisation of the sovereignty of God self-reliance is no longer part of your life’s equation. Self-introspection causes you to question, “who am I?, to think that I could control my destiny and live selfishly after my own worldly desires most of which goes against God’s plan and purpose for my life.  We live in a world that tells us:
  1. it is okay to tell a lie if it is for a good reason, meaning if it will benefit the individual's personal agenda;
  2. it is okay to see wrong-doing and not do or say anything about it, when it does not affect your personal well-being;
  3. nobody is interested in your stand on what is right from wrong;
  4. it is nobody's business that I am having an extramarital affair, we are both accountable adults;
  5. it is okay to have a sexual relationship with my boyfriend/girlfriend we love each other / we are engaged (we are practically married);
  6. we can't control  who we fall in love with, the heart wants what it wants no matter what including homosexual and adulterous relationships;
  7. revenge is justifiable and sweet;
  8. prey on the weak and despise the less fortunate.
  9. It is okay to cheat as long as it does not hurt anyone as along as I come out on top.
  10. I did not act on it, I just thought about it.
There are so much more that can be added to this list, but I dare to say that these are all lies from the pit of hell from the voice of the enemy of our souls, Satan. Satan is the father of lies and he will use every opportunity to infiltrate our hearts and our lives to turn us away from Father God.  Of ourselves we are no match against Satan, we cannot resist his evil intents but by the grace of God when we fail, we are brought to a place of forgiveness and wholeness through Jesus Christ.  Purity - A lifestyle of set-apartness, including thoughts and actions is a daily endeavour for a child of God.  Each day God gives us grace for what faces us to overcome the challenges of the day.  We should live our lives with the mind and desire to please God in all that we do, to receive His approval at the end of it all.  Nathan’s reprimand by the Spirit of God to David after his tryst with Bathsheba and the successful plot to kill her husband, was cutting and also healing.  David prayed a prayer that we as Christians should pray daily, we have a tendency to be caught up in self-righteousness, (thank you Sovereign Father for your grace and mercies).

“Create in me a pure heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from Your presence
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
And sustain me with a willing spirit.
 Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners will be converted to You.
Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God,
the God of my salvation;
then my tongue will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.”
Psalms 51:10-14

Surrendering of our wills, should be a part of our daily exercise in Christian living. God knows the mind and heart of mankind. Surrendering mind, body and spirit to the will of God; who wants only all that is good for his children. He knows our beginning and our end, so when He directs, you’d better believe He knows what He’s doing and yield in obedience.  David continued his prayer in Psalms 51:15-17 to say 

Ó Lord, open my lips that my mouth may declare Your praise.  
For You delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; 
You are not pleased alone with burnt offering. 
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
 a broken and contrite (repentant) heart, 
O God, You will not despise.”

My fellow Christian Believers, it is possible to live a pure life without reproach in this world, because the Spirit of God dwells within us giving us all that we need for our individual journeys.

If you have been struggling in your walk with God or maybe you’ve  given up because it all seems impossible here is Christ’s personal response to you: “…My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” And I hope that your response to Him would be, “Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9  When you are weak and find yourself no match for the enemy’s temptations in the form of peer pressure and influences, circumstances of life, then you will be strong because God’s grace is indeed sufficient.

Maybe, all of the above is why you have been putting off accepting Jesus as your saviour. Satan has be showing you what you will miss out on, and of course he will never show you the the benefits of trusting God. You are loved by God and it is not His will that you perish, He gave His only son to die for you so that you may live. That you would live a life full and free from guilt, and free of the weight of sin...why not give your life to Jesus. Let God take care of those vices that enemy tells you that you can't live without.  Let God lead your heart, so far you've made some really bad choices, but Sovereign God says to you today, "I AM the LORD who heals and delivers, I AM the Restorer, I can make all things new".  Why not give Him your heart today.  His love for you is unending and His mercies are new every morning_"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentaions  3:22,23

Prayer: Sovereign God, I give you honour and glory because of who You are, thank You for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, and His shed blood for our sins.  Thank you for new mercies every day that brings us into fellowship with You every day of our lives.  Lord that we may live a surrendered life to You daily, being light to those that we encounter on our life’s journey and that by our life living, You would be glorified and mankind would come to know you personally in Jesus’ name. Amen

May the peace of God which passes all understand keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.

 Love and Blessings