What do I mean when I say that God makes sense? I find this phrase comforting and I have been repeating it to myself particularly during this time of COVID-19 crisis. It has become my guiding motto for calming, and alleviating my anxieties.
I admit, I have a tendency to worry or it sounds better to say, I get overly concerned at times so I have to make a decidedly daily effort to focus my thoughts and meditate on what the Word of God says about being anxious and how to overcome it. Believe me friends, it's a struggle and it's a daily effort but I must say that at the end of the day I can reflect and say, "God makes sense".

At that time, the sparrow was food for the poor and had little value it did not cost much and it was considered clean so that the Jews would eat it. Jesus used the analogy of the sparrow to emphasise that He cares about every aspect of our lives. Why wouldn't He, we who are created in His image (Gen.1:27) and for His good pleasure (Rev. 4:11), who He came to die for so that we could be reconciled to the father (2 Cor 5:18)?
"Five sparrows are sold for two pennies, aren't they? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God." Luke 12:6 ISV
So, I am grateful to God for His Holy Spirit who reminds me daily of my worth to Him and that I have nothing to fear, because He's got me and the rest of the world in His hands and there is no better place to be.
Here's another awesome reminder, "...I'll never forget you! Look! I've inscribed you on the palms of my hands, and your walls are forever before me." God knows each of us by name and sees us where we are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
With all the uncertainties looming over our heads, who can have peace and contentment? My inner voice is saying "oh oh let me answer" 🤠- you and I can have peace and contentment through Jesus Christ, "...I'm giving you my own peace. I'm not giving it to you as the world gives. So don't let your hearts be troubled, and don't be afraid." Yes I can attest to it, I have peace when things are uncertain around me because I trust the Word of God and therein is my faith. So every day I welcome the presence of God in my life, in my surroundings so that I can experience Him anew - that's my every day expectancy to experience the sensibility of God. Just surrender all of your fears and anxieties to Jesus, we were not meant to carry such a load.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7KJV
Stay safe, Stay in faith, Stay in prayer
and if you haven't done so I implore, accept Jesus as your personal Saviour today- He loves you.
Love and Blessings